Greyhawk Ridge Homeowners’ Association
Semi-Annual Membership Meeting
April 18, 2019
Glenwood Fire Station #7
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
There were 12 households represented, so a quorum was not reached.
Current Board members, Committee Chairs, and the new Board nominee were introduced.
It was moved and seconded to dispense with the reading of the Oct. 23, 2018 Semi-Annual Meeting minutes.
The Treasurer’s Report was handed out.
The expenditures for 2018 – 2019 were reviewed. Any unused funds in the budgeted categories were deposited in the reserves. There was no “carry over” to the new budget. 71% of the budget was spent on HOA business.
The 2019 – 2020 budget was presented and discussed.
In Feb. and Mar. of each year, the HOA Board looks at current expenditures. They then look at potential items that will need funding for the new year. The goal is to increase the reserves for the fence replacement when that is necessary. Therefore, expenditures are kept to a minimum. A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the 2019 – 2020 budget.
Committee Reports:
ACC Committee – A flyer was passed out as a proactive reminder of common issues with contact information. There was a discussion about a way to notify the neighborhood about ACC approved exceptions. It was suggested to have an attached sign stating ACC approval. Rusty will follow up by getting permanent, reusable signs made.
Welcome Committee - 47 new families have been welcomed during the past 5 years. Please let the committee know if you notice a new family moving into our neighborhood.
Activities Committee – The Easter Egg Hunt was a success. Yard of the Month and the 4th of July Picnic are upcoming activities, which will need volunteers.
Landscape Committee – The last 2 diseased birch trees have been removed. New trees and shrubs will be purchased from a wholesaler and our landscape contractor will plant them. A budget of $600 has been allocated for the beautification project along the fence facing 119th St.
Old Business:
There have been people rummaging through the recycle bins on Thurs. nights and Friday mornings. Please report this to 311.
The Election results were presented. Alan Fischer, Sally Dierenfeld, Ryan Katsanes, and Linda Hodgins were elected for 2 year terms.
New Business:
A concern was raised about the lack of a left-hand turn lane on 119th St. From the east into Greyhawk Ridge on 43rd Ave. Matt Hall is willing to work with any volunteers from our neighborhood. Let the Board know if interested.
Since a neighborhood garage sale is not a function of the HOA or its committees, a volunteer will need to coordinate one if it is to occur.
A special guest, Joe Ohama, representing the Red Cross and CERT, gave a presentation on how to be prepared during and after a disaster.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Christie Fleming, Acting Secretary