Board of Directors Duties
The Board of Directors for Greyhawk Ridge is made up entirely of resident volunteers!
Roles and Responsibilities of all Board Members
Manage the affairs of the Association and the neighborhood.
Gather and meet once a month (in the evening).
Approves all expenditures.
Establish the annual dues.
Coordinate the annual election of officers to the Board of Directors.
Schedule and coordinate the two semi-annual meetings and any special meeting.
Communicate actions by the Board of Directors to Association members.
Contract for the maintenance of the common areas.
Establish and review HOA committees.
Coordinate compliance and enforcement of the CC&R’s through the ACC.
Presides over all monthly Board of Directors meetings and Association semi-annual meetings and special meetings.
Maintains the schedule for notices and scheduling of meetings.
With Board of Directors input, sets the agendas for meetings.
May co-sign checks.
Signs all official and legal documents.
Performs other duties as needed.
Monitor and collect bills from the HOA’s virtual Mailbox.
Provide input to the Budget Committee for setting yearly budgets.
Collect, record, and deposit Assessment payments received.
Mail delinquency notices when necessary.
Provide timely payment of all bills and invoices backed up by a receipt.
Monitor our IQ Credit Union accounts.
Submit a monthly Treasurer’s Report showing all expenditures and cash disbursed per month per budget category. The report also shows the balances in our various IQ Credit Union accounts along with our total income for the current year by source.
Provide a running check register for our checking account.
Register our HOA as a Non-profit Washington state company once per year.
File federal taxes for the HOA.
Volunteer on HOA Board to assist in maintaining values and livability in our neighborhood.
Participate in decisions during meetings.
Assist with community projects.
Document meeting minutes, topics and action points for each formal meeting.
Retain documents for future use or clarification.
Manage electronic communications to and from the Board of Directors.
Maintain and manage website content (typically supplied by Treasurer, Secretary, etc.)
Supply budgetary recommendations for technology use.
Manage social media presence and group membership on Facebook.